and so another year passes by.....when did I post here last?aha the 17th.....I remember the month based on the usage graph I get with bandwidth checker..a very low usage month until the last few days....
MEC is getting all geared up for our techfest Excel 2k8....conducted and organized by students of our college of all years and batches.This time a lot of improvement has come in the number and quality of events that are being planned...due to the vast experience the Excel teams have by participating in various techfests ...now the site work going on,sponsorship also....I think some big players are coming in to sponsor us...lets hope so...The work is hectic and very elaborate...lots of my pals involved fully into it...me thankfully have no particular skill that the event needs...

Another major activity is the Linux Week being conducted by MACS our association of CS students...I will upload photos of past events when I get time to do so...we are an active lot...taking up Excel site design every year,preparing projects,taking Linux workshops and preaching Free and Open Software to the student community..I feel proud to be part of the hard working team...
About the Linux Week...the biggest work we have undertaken so far...continuous 6 days of events...that too in between our college arts and excel preparations..and when we s6 students are tied down by heavy loads...nice experience to work under pressure....
The main attractions are gonna be a linux distro exhibition,scripting workshop for MECians and a Basic Linux Workshop for School Students.Preparations are going on..happy that lots of second years are actively involved in its working....we are also learning many things...achcha lagtha hai....
And lastly about my condition or basically our MACS team condition...5 days class,Excel work majority involved,Linux Week all are main stream organizers and planners...sunday TIMEs CAT coaching full day....

Nothing else coming to my mind..will post again...sooner or later...wait for it...
u seem pretty busy dude.... keep up the good work... i know its very hectic period when fest time comes in, having helped in making 2 major fest in my college... but its very interesting and also lots of fun.... have a gr8 2008...