Tuesday, January 01, 2013

the thinking idiot speaks what a new year eve is all about

every year, the counter increments, people rejoice, spend, do exciting things,promise nice things to themselves.. and the game starts again once they are back to what they were doing the last.. (the innocent sarcasm is always good to keep the feet firmly rooted :) )

a society that discards the bad of a year and reflects upon the good of it while stepping into a new one. Change has always been celebrated in all communities, and we have lots of regional festivals to justify that. This is just another one we celebrate along with the international community.

lots of people believe in new year resolutions, and I have seen and heard of people transform themselves on this pretext. But mostly those who claim the resolutions are onto small stuff and sometimes never serious. It is just fun to think about improving something atleast once :)

Some believe that what they do first thing on the new year's eve has an impact on the year ahead. I kind of like that approach. As it builds lots of suspense and thrill on a single moment. I have had some amusing moments in life after I started observing such things. In childhood or earlier days, I would be perched on the sofa watching the bursting of crackers Down Under  or watching some other special shows. Those days I never bothered to think much other than wishing as many people as possible at the earliest and receiving their wishes in return. That was the fun those days.

After the great departure, its all about being meaningful about something :) Seeing the first rising sun, travelling, being with friends, being somewhere, doing something, thinking something good, seeing pleasant dreams, hoping and beaming with confidence. Those are benchmarks of a good new year's eve. I, not being a party animal, am obviously not found in large parties and gatherings for this purpose.

One year I was in the bus travelling home. Only two friends were accompanying me, and that too in distant seats. They arranged to have me seated near by 11:50pm, so that I wouldn't have to spend the new year's eve alone. First time in my life I experienced the joy of wishing the slumbering unknown fellow traveller and getting a warm response in the middle of the night. There was a minor light show with phones as well :) It was followed up by the awesome view of the rising sun while the bus roared through the open highway near Thrissur. It was a during a difficult time in life and being able to thank the driver and conductor for the smooth drive while wishing them was a liberating feeling.

 The next year, being more challenging and excruciating the new year's eve fit right into my first day off after nearly 4 months. It was my first 3+ days leave as well. Sounds funny when I recall how frequently most of the people avail leaves. :) That was a time well spent with my family, having been absent mostly over the previous 1.5 years. Acquired my camera and a new perspective alongwith it too. The eve itself was quite boring in contrast. I was seated in front of my laptop watching the clock tick into position, before releasing a timely facebook status and tweet, kind of like a press statement. :D

2011 - That was the year of fundamental change for me - for worse or better. The changes and their impacts were phenomenal. With the bike, camera and the spirit to wander, I was a wanderer in all terms-no longer wedded to work, and full of the attitude currently identified widely as sarcasm for the material world. And the transition to 2012 was along similar scales, when after moving to Bangalore and a new job, I climbed a near impossible peak with some of my best friends I made in my life in Mysore. That is by far the best new year's eve. Though I accidentally snoozed through the eve owing to the aching muscles and bone numbing cold. Only when the fire died down at 00.35 did I wake up and wake up the few others to rejoice a bit.

2012 - being a year of togetherness with lots of friends  and families from various networks, was symbolized by the simple celebration we had. A simple plum cake cut and shared among us fellows, while deciding on which movie/song to play. Ended up watching the super flop Simhasanam for a few minutes until the desperation forced us to revert to 3 Kings - the super duper comedy movie. Laughing together and enjoying the moment was the key, until sleep overcame and all slowly retired :D

welcome 2013 - wonder what you have in store for me and my near and dear ones. One thing is sure. You can be lethal if I wish to, or be a simpleton if I play by your tunes :)

Wish you all readers a challenging,interesting,flashy,calm,blasting and a happy new year. Wish that all your dreams, hopes and plans come closer to being true.. and a special wish to all my friends who are tying the knot, or entering interesting phases in their personal and professional lives.

Vamos vamos..